Monday, April 20, 2020

African Americans may be bearing the brunt of Covid-19, but data limited #CoronavirusUpdates

African Americans may be bearing the brunt of Covid-19, but data limited #CoronavirusUpdates

African Americans may be bearing the brunt of Covid-19, but data limited #CoronavirusUpdates

African Americans may be bearing the brunt of Covid-19, but data limited Stark statistics are coming to light only now and only in piecemeal fashion showing that African Americans are disproportionately affected by Covid-19. #NationalCoronavirusCleanup #CoronavirusNews #Covid19Updates The racial divide in who gets infected, who gets tested, and who dies from Covid-19 is emerging from the few cities and states whose data are public. African Americans in Illinois, for example, accounted for 29% of confirmed cases and 41% of deaths as of Monday morning, yet they make up only 15% of the state’s population, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health, one of just a handful of government agencies sharing information on who is hardest hit by the virus. Michigan mirrors Illinois, with 34% of Covid-19 cases and 40% of deaths striking African Americans, even though only 14% of Michigan’s population is African American.
African Americans may be bearing the brunt of Covid-19, but data limited #CoronavirusUpdates

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